Paying this deposit secures you access to any of the reprints or new products associated with this campaign. The remaining balance ($TBD) will be due when the game is available.
RA Traders:
An expansion to the classic auction game RA, Traders adds a new tile type to your experience.
Leverage the Nile River to send vessels around the region to grow your Dynasty through trade and communication. Bring back precious treasures and rare goods to extend your reach and solidify your place among the Gods.
5 Docks boards
20 Trader tiles
30 One-Value Small Goods Crates
10 Five-Value Large Goods Crates
10 Ten-Value Scoring Tablets
RA and Write:
RA and Write is a flip-and-write game built upon the foundation of the classic RA from acclaimed designer Reiner Knizia. It features the same art and thematic style as the 25th Century Games new edition of the board game.
The game is played over three rounds, known as Kingdoms: The Old Kingdom, The Middle Kingdom, and The New Kingdom. Over the course of the game, players advance different aspects of their civilization by filling in spaces on their scoresheet. Each Kingdom ends immediately once three Ra cards have been revealed, then the round is scored.
The game ends after the third round (the New Kingdom) has been scored, and the player with the most points wins!